Do you Embrace Change or Fear It?

Change certainly does funny things to one’s mindset. I always saw myself as an advocate for change, when I worked in corporate, I loved brainstorming new ideas to improve & streamline processes or make our offering more valuable for our clients and candidates. I worked in a company where change was a regular occurrence and I saw myself embracing this. Whether it was a new manager, or team member, a new project to get involved in or even one of the many desk or office moves we endured.

Establishing my own business, it is always evolving, changing and frankly quite the roller coaster ride…. It wasn’t until I was in the thick of my most recent and biggest change that I let fear completely take over and get the better of me.

I started my business as Focus Résumés in April 2016 and for nearly the past year I have been wanting to change the name. Why? I wasn’t inspired by it anymore.

Here are my 3 Reasons for Re-branding My Business:

  1. To reflect the full extent of what the business offers.
  2. To step my business up a notch (or two).
  3. The name was too specific and did not inspire me.

Focus Résumés pretty much tells you I do résumés and suggests that’s all I do.

Overhauling and freshening up CV’s has been a perfect starting point and entry into the business world. And I have loved it. I absolutely love connecting with professionals and both enabling them and empowering them to make a career move – if that is what they want. I’ve learnt a lot and discovered that people really do want and need help with their résumés.

So back to my fear. I really did procrastinate this change for a long time. The intention was there, to take the business to the next level with a rebrand and improve my product and service offering. Getting past the initial step of making it happen, I thought would have been the hardest part. But once I started putting the wheels in motion, it all started happening, and it was SO exciting.

However, being in the thick of the change was the real rollercoaster of emotions for me that I did not expect. Excitement, fear, confusion, angst, nerves and anticipation to name a few. It really caught me off guard and at times I wanted to crawl into a ball and hide. I wanted to play it safe and stay inside my comfort zone.

Why did I bother with this rebrand project? I questioned, completely doubted myself.

I had to ask myself, what’s the alternative?

The alternative was staying the same.

Not moving forward.

Whilst I love my business, I couldn’t bare for it to stay the same. There are many more dreams I have and things I want to achieve for this business. And, I was in a serious rut of long hours and only just making enough money to get by. My pricing strategy and service offering needed a complete make-over, which I did.

I went back to the drawing board and researched the market, ensuring I was suitably aligned and reflective of the quality and authenticity of my services. I am 100% confident in my ability to bring value to my clients. My pricing strategy will be something I continue to review and evolve as I also grow and develop my own capabilities.


What about you?

Are you playing it safe?

What is your ultimate career goal and are you working toward it?

It doesn’t happen overnight but even taking small steps each day will move you toward your big picture vision and achieving your ultimate career goal.

 “The whole reason I started my business was to inspire and support people to make a change, particularly if they’re unhappy in their current job. I myself needed to live up to what I preach and embrace this change, to chase my dreams.”


On October 5, one month ago I finally announced the new business name, logo and website!

That’s right, I am now trading as…


You will find a detailed overview of all Services available on the website, including; bundled PACKAGES, Individual Services and even some all new DIY OPTIONS!

I am all set to empower you or your friends in your next career move! 

My business survives on referrals. Who do you know that I could help?

Anyone whinging about their current job, send them my way.


Thanks for reading,

Embrace the change!
