Frequently Asked Questions

We hear you and totally get how frustrating it can be, to not have clarity on your career direction, we have been there too. This is the exact reason why we have created Career Creators. To help you to gain clarity in your career direction and build the confidence to take strategic steps to make your dream career your reality. We take our clients through our unique methodology The Creators Way (include image and descriptors).

We do offer one off sessions for interview coaching and behavioural profiling only with our Head Coach, Katie. Book your enquiry call now with Sally to discuss these one-off sessions. 

We don’t off one-off career coaching sessions as we don’t believe in quick fixes. Just like how 1 session at the gym won’t make you fit. It will make you feel good, but it won’t give you the long term success and satisfaction you’re after. Book a free Clarity Call with our team and we can discuss your options and best next steps for you.

Yes! We do. We have Accredited Practitioners in Extended DISC Behavioural profiling.

If you are interested in our Reconnect or Realign coaching programs, you can apply for a free strategy session here for Reconnect (Life & Career Transformation) Program or here for Realign (Business Coaching & Mastermind) Program.

Alternatively you can always book a free 20-min clarity call with our team, in this call we work out what it is you need and recommend the best next steps specifically for you.

Then we may not be the best fit. We don’t believe in quick fixes. We believe in doing the work to get the results. Just like how 1 session at the gym won’t make you fit. It will make you feel good, but it won’t give you the long term success and satisfaction you’re after. Book a free Clarity Call with our team and we can discuss your options and best next steps for you.

We are résumé experts. For many years the business was focused on writing résumés for our clients (and we did a damn good job at it). We now know, we can make a bigger difference for our clients by helping you to take the reins of your own career, therefore we offer feedback and advice on your résumé and we also give you our winning templates, examples and provide easy how-to tutorials to create your own résumé, cover letter and LinkedIn profile in our Career Recharge program. In this program, we will also give you tailored advice on your application before you apply for the job so we can make sure your application is hitting the mark and tailored for the role you are applying for. Book a free 20-min enquiry call to find out more here.